Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a waiver to attend?

Yes, a completed waiver is required to enter the farm, even if you are not planning to go on the haunted trail.

Reservations are required for Scarrigan Farms and the link to sign your waiver is in the confirmation email you receive after you make a reservation. To sign a waiver for Scarrigan Farms, follow the link in your confirmation email. If you need to share the waiver with other people in your party, you can share the waiver after you fill it out or you can forward them your confirmation email. If you are not the person who made the reservation for your group, please reach out to your group organizer.

Why do I have to make a reservation online in advance?

Reservations are required in order to facilitate an organized flow of guests and keep capacity to a safe level.

Can I change or modify my reservation after I make it?

No. Reservations will not be modified after purchase. If you do not show up to your reserved time slot you forfeit your $5 deposit for each no-show.

What if I am late to my reserved time slot?

If you are late to your reservation you may forfeit your reservation. Please be on-time.

Can I attend if I am impaired by drugs or alcohol?

No! In fact, we reserve the right to refuse to sell you a ticket, or take your ticket away and ask you to leave, if you are impaired. Additionally, you are not allowed to bring in outside food or beverages of any kind. 

What type food is available at the Quarry Restaurant?

The Quarry Restaurant is take-out only and serves a variety of fall favorites such as apple cider donuts, fresh pizza, french fries, roast-your-own S'mores kits and roast-your-own-hotdog kits. On warm evenings apple cider slushies are available and on cooler evenings hot apple cider and hot chocolate are available. Bottled water, assorted canned soft drinks, draft beer and wine-by-the-glass are also available for purchase.

Can I bring outside food or beverage?

No; absolutely not.

I have a medical condition, is the haunted trail suitable for me?

We do not recommend the haunted trail for customers with underlying medical conditions. The walk through the haunted trail is rigorous, up and down hills and over a mile long. The terrain is natural and uneven. We reserve the right to refuse any guest who we feel will be unable to easily walk through the trail.

Those with epilepsy, heart conditions, fractures, other bone or joint conditions, impaired mobility, balance issues, personality disorders, psychological disorders, pregnancy, concussions, or any other medical conditions should not attend. If you have a specific question, please contact us prior to purchasing your ticket for guidance.

Can I go if I am pregnant?

A large pregnant belly can alter your center of gravity and make falling more likely. We do not recommend going on the haunted trail if you are pregnant.

What if I’m wearing a boot or have crutches?

If you are on crutches or are wearing a boot, you will find it exceedingly difficult to navigate the haunted trail. The haunted trail requires you to travers up and down hills and over uneven terrain in the dark. We do not recommend you attend until you are able to walk without your crutches or boot.

What could be included?

Please note that the following may or may not be included at the haunted trail. Those with medical conditions, or those who prefer not to experience any of the list below, should not attend.

  • Strobe lights and flashing lights

  • Spinning tunnels

  • Loud noises

  • Very tight spaces

  • Uneven terrain

  • Hills and valleys

  • Mud

  • Climbing

  • Crawling

  • Sliding

  • Complete darkness

  • Long distances of walking

  • Heckling

  • Mild sexual content

What is it like?

The haunted trail is walking trail, over one mile long, through natural terrain, wooded and open areas. Along the way, actors, props and sets are positioned to scare you. These scary people / items are designed to target specific phobias that you may have that can include but may not be limited to: claustrophobia, coulrophobia, chiraptophobia, demonophobia, lygophobia, necrophobia, etc.

Anything is fair game, including all current political and social events and movements. Actors work to terrify you, totally and completely. Examples may include but are not limited to: creepy clowns who might ask you into their van, actors who might tell you that you are pretty, classic slashers, gory scenes, etc.

Remember, it is acting, but it is designed to make you think it is real. No, the actors are not felons, convicts, etc. They are ACTORS! So, by purchasing your ticket you consent to being scared, and the actors will use every tactic to do that. They will not touch you, but they will make you think it is real.

By purchasing your ticket you are consenting to experience heckling, “bad-taste” and every crazy and scary actor, set, event, etc. that could come with that. This trail is not for the faint of heart.

Are there any other parts of the farm I get to see?

You will be able to go to the quarry and enjoy the bonfires while you wait for your ticket to be called.

Are there any photos that will be taken while I am on the haunted trail?

Your photo will be taken. By purchasing a ticket to Scarrigan Farms, you agree to have your photo taken and be used for marketing, as well as other purposes. And, if you make a great enough scared face, it may be used on our social media platforms or website.

Do children get a discount?

No. There are no children’s tickets. Attendees must be at least 12 years old or older to attend Scarrigan Farms. We accept cash only; no credit or debit cards will be accepted at the door.

Do I have to pay to park?

Parking is free!

How do I pay?

A $5 deposit is due at the time of booking and the remainder of admission is due at the door, cash only (credit and debit cards are not accepted at the door). In exchange for making an advance reservation, each guest will receive a $5 dining voucher to use at the quarry kitchen on the evening of their visit. Price varies by date. Click the reserve now button to book.

Is the haunted trail a hayride?

The haunted trail is not and does not include a hayride. You will not be getting on a hayride as part of the haunted trail.

Is the haunted trail wheelchair accessible?

The haunted trail is not wheelchair accessible due to the natural terrain of Scarrigan Farms. The haunted trail is all outdoors and involves squeezing through tight spaces, bending, stooping, climbing, crawling, sliding, etc. The quarry itself, where you enjoy the bonfires, is also an area of natural terrain; however, wheelchairs can navigate this area with minimal assistance.

What if I can't finish?

There will be no refunds but we will escort you out.

What if I chicken-out before I go in?

Then you don’t have to go in, but we do not give a refund.

What if I drop my phone, keys, etc?

You can email us at with a description of the item, the location that you think you lost it, etc and we will tell our maintenance team the following morning. If they find it, we will email you back. We WILL NOT stop the trail to look for your lost items, so please keep up with your items.

What if it storms the night I’m planning to attend?

Scarrigan Farms reserves the right to close in the event of inclement weather and will make every effort to update weather information in real time on their website and other platforms. Check before you attend for inclement weather.

What should I wear?

Comfortable clothes, but most importantly, sneakers or hiking boots. They are recommended footwear.

Will the actors touch me?

Actors will not touch you on purpose but they might invade your personal space. They might touch your soul, but won’t touch your body, unless it is an accident. Their goal is to scare you; this may include getting so close that they breathe down your neck. Remember, you are here to get scared.

October Dates
November Dates
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